Monday 11 October 2010

What a girl wants, what a girl needs....

I have already started working on my Xmas list.  Mainly because if I didn't, my other half would buy me tacky red lingerie and a mug.  I love the run up to Christmas as all I seem to do is look for ideas.  I like to give my husband a few items so he has choice and I get a surprise (although its never a surprise as I always hunt them out before the big day to have a look and check I love it!)

So here how the list is looking...

Item 1(in no particular order!)
1973 Gucci top handle bag
This bag is just sooo me.  Its the most gorgeous colour and texture and does not scream Gucci but whispers ooh la la.  It is so sophisticated and although I claimed no particular order before I am secretly hoping that all my good behavior sees Santa leaving this under my tree.

Item numero duex

Creme de la mer lifting face serum 

This was on last years Christmas list but I got something else and I am hoping that 2 times a charm and he gets the hint that this is what I need.  I have had a little smear of this before on my little chops and it is blissful.  In fact I would go as far as to say the patch that it went on hasn't aged since applying.  I am pretty sure Jon Bon Jovi has shares in this stuff ;) I want it. I want it bad.

Exhibit C

Thomas Sabo crown ring
I quite like some of the stuff from Sabo but I felt it was getting a bit Pandora and so have steered clear.  I spotted this little gem on an email from a friend who said it was right up my street.  And it certainly is.

Item number 4

Vivien Westwood pumps
These are just too pretty.  And on Christmas day they will look even prettier.  Stocking filler fodder.  This is my mug equivalent. My make weight presents as my husband calls them.  I like them.  They are purty.

Finally have asked for anything from the winter Chanel jewelry collection as it all makes me swoon. I wanted to post pics but there is too much damn choice and I would like at least one surprise (even though it isn't actually a surprise - see early note about snooping)

I love Christmas! 

Thursday 7 October 2010

Eyeshadows and lipgloss - my two fave words

Well alongside handbags and shoes.  Oh and Dior!

Did some shopping recently and here's what I purchased....

My little haul.  Very random I know.  Ok heres the DL....
3 lipglosses from Sephora.
Duo shadow and wheel shadow again from Sephora.

Chanel travel palette (4 shadows, 4 lipglosses, blush, mascara and brushes)

Cute bangle and blinging ring.

We dont have a Sephora here so I was buying just to satisfy my inane desire to try stuff that other people blog about.  The chanel palette was pricey for what it is £57.00 but I have never ever (despite having way over 300 eyeshadows) tried chanel shadows.  And y'know what.  I frikken love it.  The colours are very matt and so they apply like silk.  They dont sink into any creases and reflect light perfectly.  I love it.  I am not so struck on the mascara but then I have had chanel mascara in the past and not be overly loving it.

The Sephora stuff - some colours I like (note not love) and other I not so like.  They are just a bit blah.  I expected eyes that popped like Ru Paul but no they dont.

My bracelet - I love.  I got it from Parfois in Portugal. 

So that is my lil haul.  I feel a shopping trip coming on..... smooches xx

Monday 4 October 2010

Is Lush really lush or just a bit pretentious??

I have ventured into Lush a handful of times.  I have been tempted by the waft of delish smells that come from the shops but upon entering I feel overwhelmed by the vast amounts of colours and smells that I have turned around smartish and left empty handed.

I have read several reviews of the stuff but I dunno, I just get the vibe that its a bit overpriced and a lil bit pretentious.  But thats just my opinion I guess.  So imagine my surprise when I got dragged into said shop and was lured by smiley sales chick over to the face masks.  She whipped my hand that was stuffed uncomfortably in my pocket and smothered it with a grey scratchy product.  She then douched me in water (or my hand) and began rubbing.  It actually smelled quite nice despite having the appearance of an owl poo.  After she had finished rubbing, she rinsed and da dah...smooth as a baby's bootay!

Said product was Angels on bare skin.....
After using the product for just over 2 weeks now, I love it.  My skin looks brighter and feels softer. Its a fresh product so it goes out of date quite quickly but as I am using it so much I doubt that will matter.  Its a product that I am loving!

Smiley sales chick also conned me into buying flying fox shower gel.  I was tempted by the claims on the bottle that it relieves PMT and is a natural aphrodisiac.  And as someone who turns into the hulk once a month, I thought help in both these areas would please my partner no end. I had also heard that it was a fave of Laura's (lollipop26) and thought why not...

But you know what, Its not for me.  The smell was a bit too sickly sweet and it didn't last on my skin.  The texture was a bit too watery and it didnt create any sort of a foam, soap or even thicken when I rubbed it on my skin.  After flying into a rage when I couldnt find a parking spot at work, I realised that there is NO cure for my horrific PMT.  I won't be reinvesting in this am afraid.

Peace out! xx

Friday 1 October 2010

All hail beauty bargin pleasers

Every now and again, I stumble on things that I think, wow.  A bargain and its a great product.  I went and restocked a few of my ole favorites yesterday and thought I would share why I will be taking them to my grave.

Ok 1st is something that I saw someone else wearing and thought 'hello dolly'....

Yes its vaseline.  And believe me I have always marvelled at how some gorgeous gals can slap a bit o vaseline on and bobs your uncle, thier lips look gorgeously lush and moisturized.  Me, I could never pull it off.  I look like I have smeared lard on my chops.  And when I review it in the mirror, there is enough debris in there to make a nest. Until this little tin came into my life.

I actually saw it on a  colleague at work.  And it looked devine.  Me being the copycat queen had to immediately rush out and buy some.  Its about £1.29 from most supermarkets or chemists.  It comes in the usual vaseline lip balm tins but this little one offers so much more!  The consistency is less oily and sticky.  It sorta stains the lips a rosey pink and although it doesn't look like it contains anything remotely sparkly, I think it looks a little sparkly on. oh and it smells lush too.

The tin is small enough that it complies with airport safety regulations on liquids, and I can say that this was a lifesaver for my lips when on a long-haul flight.

So all this for less that an happy meal.  You cant say fairer than that now can you!

So following on with my next tin obsession, I was given a little delish pot of steamcream as a gift and now its become a little obsession of mine. There are a gadzillion tins to choose from and they are so kitch.  Everytime I dab a bit on, I get someone asking where its from.

My faves are Polkadot cat and papillion ...

How cute are they??

It is created by steam infusion which provides quite an intensive cream which has brilliant absorption. Perfect for my dry skin. I think they cost about £10 and ASOS are now stocking them.  Give it a go - you might never go back!

That's it for now.  Peace out!

Thursday 30 September 2010

Things I covet....

There are a few things that I covet in terms of beauty wants and they tend to rotate with the seasons.  In summer I want fuller lashes and a lovely tan that gives me that just got in from frolicking on the beach glow.  In winter, I want great skin and hair.  And I will go to whatever lengths to get it.

Last year I splurged on moisturizers and hair balms.  This year its all about the serums baby.

I think I have good skin considering its been abused over the years and I owe it all to the power of products.  So imagine my delight when someone happened to mention this little beauty to me...

A little bit of snake heaven in a jar

This my little darlings is Rodial's glamoxy snake serum.  Now don't fret.  The company has not spent weeks draining poor reptiles of their special stuff.  It just claims to work using the same method of paralyzing the skin like a venomous snake bite does!  Sounds like serious stuff if you ask me.

Now I love anything that feels like it is doing something to my skin.  I take take or leave creams that just 'absorb'  I need to know I am getting some bang for my buck.  And this is the geezer to do it.

On applying some of the potion, the skin feels plumped up.  It also magically doubles as a primer. Double whammy.  2 for the price of one.  It has a powdery finish to it that leaves the skin looking radiant and I have had several comments from peeps when I am wearing it saying my skin looks fab.  Not bad eh.

Its quite pricey as far as serums go and if you are on a budget then this isn't for you unless you are looking for Christmas gift ideas.  I love it though and if want something special that delivers what it promises - this is your guy!

Now, enough - I am off shopping....

Wednesday 29 September 2010

It's here

My brand spanking new blog.  Look at it, its practically gleaming.

Well how do you do.  Welcome, come in relax, kick off your KG's. 

So - here I am - fresh to Blogging. A blog virgin.  A blog novice.  A blog beginner. Whatever....

Ok so for months and months and months I have spent my time (or works time) looking at videos on youtube and reading blogs.  My life has never been the same.  And so I wanted in.  I wanted some of the comments, I wanted people discussing the contents of my bag over a glass of wine,  I wanted dedicated sites that would dissect my life and bitch about how I speak.

So what to tell you.? I am a self confessed want a holic.  If you have it, I god damn want it and I will pester and cry and stamp my feet till I get it.

I'm not rich,  I work hard, I buy things. end of.

I buy LOTS of things.  And this seems like a great place to share these things and obsess over what I am buying.  Who is with me.......

and now I might just make a video......this could go well or it go horribly wrong!!